
Encouragement for a Young Musician to read Keats

If lushly lyrical thou would wax 
Do not thy barren melon tax 
Feast upon thy betters' meat 
When synthesizing versicles sweet


3 Wishes

[I wrote this when I was 19. It still rings true.]

3 Wishes:

To see a clear portrait in the mirror.

To be in love.

To find God, smiling.



I'll be a companion
to the darkest unswept
corners of the soul:
To the depths of purple rage
To yellow fields of laughter
To the sad bottomless blue

I'll be a wanderer in the desert
Content with heaven's manna

I'll not turn from my longing
Nor smother it in comfort
But I'll let it burn and blaze
So that you know me in the dark

Table Blessing

Let there be joy in the soup

Let there be peace in the bread

Let there be love at the table

To fill us up when we're fed




There is a pretty Jewel

fixed between Silver and Gold.

Like laughter, she sparkles and scintillates,

imbues, effervesces, and animates

the finished piece; hard and bold.

A Friend's Birthday Gift

Naught will suffice a gift for thee;

Nothing of metal, stone or wood

Seems worthy of supernal man:

Likeness of empyrean Good.

What should flatter you but a counterpart?

Dear friend of both my youth and age in kind,

What could ornament a generous heart?

What bezel could brighten a burning mind?

Bits and baubles of affection wear better over time.

So, naught will suffice a gift for thee; save my little rhyme.



Little birds in a nest

Show family being best

Eggs bring expectancy

Hatchlings; hectic ecstasy

Back and forth and forth and back

Frantic flight fills belly lack

Too soon the nest's too full

There no more are babes to school

Away, away on the wing

They do not return to sing